A big part of me doing this podcast was that it was a chance to get into comics in a way that I hadn’t been able to before. Naturally that means I’m going to start putting some comic reviews up here on the site.

But it’s not just going to be me. I’ve recruited a few friends to join in on the fun. Expect to see some stuff from them soon, until then I guess it is just me. That should change pretty soon though.

If you have something you want us to review, head over to the Contact page and get in touch with me. Same goes for if you want to write some reviews to go here.

KROOM #0 Redux
The Job #1 (Cameron Fulcher Review)
The Devil That Wears My Face #1
2000 AD Prog 2350 and Judge Dredd Megazine #460
The Gimmick #1
Dem’ Gulls Birdwalk Empire
The Job #1
The Legend of the Night Owl #1
Brooklyn Bleeds #1
Renfield: Visions of Madness
Savage Avengers #1
Wrassle Castle Book 2
Human Remains #5
Witchblood #1
Reburn #1
The Unfinished Corner
World of Darkness Crimson Thaw #1
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done?
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Scout’s Honor
Barbaric #2
Barbaric #1
Hollow Heart #1
I Breathed A Body #1
The Rise of Ultraman #1
Dune: House Atreides #1
Giga #2
Sea of Sorrows #1
Freaks & Gods #1
Giga #1
X-Men: Marvels Snapshots #1

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