Scouting has always been a little weird to me. Even as a kid, I wondered what exactly all of this preparedness was going to be for. As a child of the suburbs, I wasn’t entirely convinced I would ever need to know how to tie a thousand types of knots or navigate through the woods with only my knowledge of woodcraft. Besides, all the made up words and loyalty rules seemed a little, you know, cult-y to me even at the time.Continue Reading

One part a look at social media and it’s effect on our lives, one part horror comic, one part great story telling, and one part great art. Plus it’s from Aftershock so you know it’s good. The entire team here is bringing down the hammer with this one.Continue Reading

It’s a thing we’ve all seen before. Post apocalyptic worlds and the groups who rise to power in which to rule them. And it’s something I’ll never really get tired of because all that really means is that you have a fairly familiar stepping stone into a story that can truly go anywhere. That’s what we have here in Scout’s Honor (published by those AfterShock dudes who are trying to take all my money by doing silly things like printing good comics and getting creators who are cool people) and why I’m spending this episode talking to writer David Pepose.

Listen in as I talk to David about how this wonderful book came to be and what drives him to write the way he does. Continue Reading

Let’s get one thing straight. Lonely Receiver is a really fun read. Rye Hickman (previously published as Jen Hickman) and Zac Thompson are really great humans.  Together the make a really good team on a book that you really should be reading. And to have two of the people working on it to come talk about it? That’s really super cool.

Listen in as Rye Hickman and Zac Thompson come talk about where this crazy (in the best way possible) series came from, how they got into comics, and whether they think it’s a good idea to send them pictures of your cats.Continue Reading