There are so many ways to tell a story. You can start at the beginning and make sure the reader know everything that’s going on. You can have a point of view character who learns things as an excuse to teach the reader what is going on. You can do it all as a flashback or memoir and have a different frame for everything.

Or you can just throw all of that out the window and trust that your audience understands the conventions of the genre you’re in and can fill in a lot of the blanks for themselves.Continue Reading

We’re back again with another comic creator, this time it’s Carl Antowicz to talk about his comic Büer’s Kiss. But more importantly, the really awesome way he does live performances of it. From his time working with the New Hazlet Theater to plans for the future, be sure to check out all of his stuff over at Canto Comics, the Canto Comics store in Big Cartel, @cantocomics on Twitter, the Patreon that got started since this episode was recorded, and of course the YouTube video so you can see what makes this so special.And while you’re at it, check out his wife Sophie’s stuff over at DC Is Going to Hell and Red Ink Radio.Continue Reading