Alright, things are really starting to creep closer and closer to Marvel vs Capcom with a game that finally introduces the concept of Marvel characters fighting against people from a whole different universe. Plus a dose of Japan getting an amazing game that didn’t come out over here and there’s reason why and I’m not salty about that at all. Nope, not one bit.

Listen in as Chris Sims from The ISB comes to talk about X-Men vs Street Fighter and we geek out about X-Men and Street Fighter and fighting games in general.Continue Reading

Comics in the 90s were special. Big muscles, pouches, weird body proportions that just don’t work with real world physics. Spy adventures that crossed international borders like it’s nothing. Oh yeah, can’t forget about boobs and butts. Listen in as Chris Sims comes on the show to talk about Danger Girl. Which we swear is worth readying we promise. Just don’t bring it to school. And if you do anyway it’s not our fault.Continue Reading

Batman the Animated Series is apparently a huge part of a ton of childhoods. Except mine, because I somehow kept missing it. But from giving characters much better back stories to creating a few characters that we couldn’t imagine not having today to just being objectively awesome, it’s an important part of today’s Batman culture.So of course it had a game to go with it. You know, besides the Gameboy title that it actually shared a name with the series. Listen in as Chris Sims from War Rocket Ajax, The ISB, and writer of some Marvel things comes to talk about a wonderful pair of Batman games, and a few others that exist.Continue Reading