Oh, you thought that we were done with Dragon Ball related stuff did you? Or that the manga ending meant that the anime would end too. Well jokes on you because there’s a whole different anime series that was only inspired by the manga and of course we got a game to go with that too. Like it or not.

Listen in as Eli Sirota from The Not So Crazy Podcast of Blizzard the Wizard and Eli comes by to look at Dragon Ball GT Final Bout and give us another dose of why the Dragon Ball franchise is so well loved by its fans. When it does things right anyway.Continue Reading

Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were the introduction to anime for a ton of people my age. So imagine how cool it must have been to finally have a game of it? And a fighter at that! What could possibly go wrong?

Listen in as Luke Herr from Multiversal Q, Exiled, and RPG Pals Club comes on the show to talk about the first Dragon Ball Z game made that came out in North America, but not the first one that came out in North America. Don’t worry the craziness is just getting started.Continue Reading