A common ghost story I hear is that the spirit can’t pass on because of unfinished business. Which is insane because we all have that, but we’ll roll with it. Imagine if instead you came back in a corporeal form to get revenge on the people who had done you wrong. Oh yeah, and you’re basically immortal until the job is done?

Justin Williams from SuperTangent comes by to look at that exact situation in The Crow City of Angels. And no, you didn’t miss an episode for the first movie tie in game since they never made one of those.Continue Reading

We’re creeping up to the big boys here, this time stopping by Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. And once again, we get a stripped down version on PlayStation that takes out tag team but at least this time gives you extra modes to make up for it. If that makes up for it is up to you.

Listen in as Justin Williams from SuperTangent joins the show to take a look at Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter and we try not to cry about the lack of Sega awesomeness in our childhoods. Continue Reading