Mark from Lesser Known Comics heard the last episode (Legacy Comix with Patrick Hickey Jr) and felt like some of the LKC team needed to come on the show to clear some of the air. So that’s what happened.

Listen to what Mark Bernal, Jackie Anne Wiedemeier, and Charlie Ragnorok had to say about that previous episode and about working with Lesser Known Comics.

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Sometimes a dumb idea actually turns into something.  You know, like telling your wife that you’re starting a comic publisher. Or not telling her and just kind of doing it until one day neither of you can deny that this is exactly what’s going on.

I’ve never done that. But you know who has? Today’s guest Mark Bernal from Lesser Known Comics. So listen in as I pick his brain about how you can sneaky start a publisher and some of the best parts of doing so as a relative newcomer.

This episode is brought to you in part by Lesser Known Comics. Partly because it just makes too much sense not to do it, and partly because they have a Kickstarter going where you can pick up some print copies of their comics.Continue Reading