Does anyone else think it’s weird that I got an American guest last time to look at Judge Dredd, a British comic that’s clearly riffing on American ideals? I kind of think it was, even though I wasn’t thinking about that at all the first time around.

Listen in as real life British person Andrew Young from 4 Panel comes on the show to give us a more nuanced perspective on where Judge Dredd comes from and what makes it something worth exploring today.Continue Reading

In the “fictional” future a single person gets to be judge, jury, and executioner. Well, a bunch of single people but you get the idea. This is the world of instant justice. This is the faaaaar far future of 2080.

Drew Hallum from Reel Feels and CritStorm Cast comes by the show to take a look at the 1995 Sylvester Stallone classic Judge Dredd. Just make sure you follow the law while you’re doing it so you don’t get judged!Continue Reading