Snikt! Bub, it’s time to sharpen those adamantium claws and dive into the convoluted world of X2: Wolverine’s Revenge! This week on Play Comics we’re slashing our way through a game that’s as confusing as Wolverine’s own backstory.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this peculiar title that’s supposedly based on X2: X-Men United but seems to have more in common with a fever dream induced by too much Canadian beer. We’ll explore how this hack-and-slash adventure managed to claw its way onto the GameCube, PS2, Xbox, and even the tiny screen of the Game Boy Advance.

Joining us on this wild ride is none other than Matt Storm from the “Fun” and Games podcast. Together we’ll dissect this game faster than Wolverine’s healing factor, examining everything from Mark Hamill’s gravelly voice work to the inexplicable absence of Hugh Jackman’s luscious locks.

So grab your favorite yellow spandex, pour yourself a glass of maple syrup, and get ready to rage! This episode is about to go berserker!Continue Reading