After some time away due to mysterious circumstances (more on that in a bit), A Dark Interlude is returning in January 2022 from Vault with Piotr Kowalski taking over art duties. The creative time now consists of writing from Ryan O’Sullivan, art from Piotr Kowalski, colors Vladimir Popov, letters by Andworld Design, and is designed by Tim Daniel.

From series writer Ryan O’Sullivan

Admittedly, I usually hate it when art changes mid-way through a book, but given the metafictional nature of A Dark Interlude, we’ve gone ahead and made it part of the story. This was all part of my master plan, you see. The big delay between Issues 2 and 3? Why, I suppose you could say it was a…Dark Interlude. An obviously intentional piece of comic-distribution-as-performance-art that allowed us to comment on the–

He was cut off by an editor’s note to clarify that

“the delay was due to Covid lock down complications and had nothing to do with Ryan’s “creative vision”. Do not trust the creator of Henry Henry when he says he has “broken kayfabe”. He is pathologically incapable of doing so. Please buy this book so we can finally be rid of him for good.”

The first two A Dark Interlude issues came out in November and December of 2020. I haven’t seen anything about if those issues will be reprinted or anything but I do think it would be a really good idea.

Chris Osborne

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