Remember John Horsley? You know, the guy from He’s been on the show a few times. But this one is a little bit different because we’re here to look at something that he’s making instead.
You see John, along with a ton of other people way more talented than me, are making a comic called The Eynes Anthology. And I was lucky enough to get John to come on the show and tell us about it. But he can describe it a lot better than I can:
Monsters are everywhere…
They always have been. They lurk, hidden in every shadow, behind every dark thought. They are probably in your closet, possessing your friends, and they’re almost certainly creeping behind you now. They are most often undetectable. And when they’re not, it’s too late.
Throughout time, these monsters have feasted on society – both physically and metaphysically. The chaos they bring fuels a great dark spirit that seeks to end the world with pain and torment.
The Eynes are our only hope…
The Eynes family line has been cursed since before recorded history to detect the presence of these monsters. It is their bound duty to stop these creatures from destroying humanity through any means necessary, be it by sword, spell… or other. Though the Eynes can feel when the creatures are in close proximity, the monsters themselves are also drawn toward the family.
But not everything is as it seems…
And although the war between the monsters and the Eynes has waged for centuries, The black-and-white battle lines have grayed over the years. not all monsters may be considered evil and not all Eynes are as righteous as one would think.
These are the tales of the Eynes Family.
Different art styles, different writing styles, you’re sure to find something you’ll love here.
If anything here catches your eye then definitely go check out The Eynes Anthology and be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign so we can make a physical version of this happen. I promise, you’ll love it.
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