Words: Alex Paknadel
Art: John Lê
Colors: Roshan Kurichiyanil
Letters: Aditya Bidikar
Publisher: Vault
The first time I saw anything about Giga was while scrolling through Twitter. If I remember correctly it was the cover that really caught my eye. Seriously, look at that cover and tell me that you’re not intrigued. I dare you.
Giant robots? Sure I’m in for that. Totally judging a book by it’s cover and a pitch short enough to fit in a tweet I figured the worst case here is that it would be some dumb fun. Which would be perfectly fine if that’s all Giga was. Spoiler alert though, it’s not.
I tend to like things and get excited about them, but I really was hooked on the first page here. It’s not just giant robots, it’s giant robots with lore and history in the ways that I love. I just really enjoy seeing the tech that was available to ancient societies. I love seeing how that gets depicted in their art and history.
Right off the bat you’re dropped into a story that starts in the middle of a class, but you aren’t really made to feel like you’re missing anything here. The exposition is done in a logical way that actually fits with the story and not just in there because it has to be there. This is a skill that I wish a lot more people would pick up.
There’s a sense of humor here as well that I can really appreciate. I like the dry stuff. Having an old guy try to politely talk about the bathroom tendencies of a robot is just funny. That sort of thing is found throughout the book. Paknadel has really found a way to give a unique voice to each character in the book. This is the first thing I’ve read from him and seeing this kind of distinction really makes me want to read more.
For that matter, it’s my first time seeing Lê’s art or Kurichiyanil’s colors as well. The Giga here are gorgeous. The scenes all have a level of detail to them to where it’s very easy to tell what’s going on, and less detail in more background parts that reminds me of the things that aren’t in as much focus in a photograph.
Don’t get me wrong, this book isn’t for kids despite how the cover looks. There’s language and violence that I don’t have a problem with but I would probably think twice about letting my theoretical 10 or 12 year old read. But my wife who doesn’t like violent things at all? I’d still hand this to her because I think the overall great story and presentation would be enough to keep her hooked.
Definitely grab this one. I can’t wait to see where the story goes. I have a feeling that this is going to be one where I’m catching something big right at the beginning. The only real question for me is which cover I want to get.
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