It takes a lot to get me this excited about a public domain character. Not that don’t think people should make Frankenstein or Sherlock Holmes things, but anyone can so there isn’t a novelty there.

So what does get me excited about these? A great creative team. A super unique concept as opposed to Yet Another Public Domain Character Story.

Or possibly getting to use the notes written by the creator of the property. Legacy Comix is bringing another banger to the table, bringing the Strokerverse into the fold  with a Dracula prequel story.

With a creative team including Legacy Comix’s own Dr. Chris McAuley and his business partner Dacre Stoker (the great grand nephew of Bram Stoker) I’m pumped.

From Legacy Comix Chief Creative Officer (and future guest of the podcast) John Svedese:

Dracula’s legacy in literature is an amazing one. This comic is going to be an important one in our legacy in comics.

You can get your hands on this one when they cross the $8,000 threshold to unlock this Stretch Goal by backing the Legacy Comix Kickstarter at the $10 level or higher.

Chris Osborne

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