It’s Spooky Season, and what’s been scarier lately than the threat of disease running rampant throughout the world? Not much, so let’s lean into it and take a look at Dr. Crowe, another wonderful collection from 215 Ink, in which a plague doctor deals with mystical elements in his adventures to stop the supernatural from bringing too much havoc into the world of man.

Listen in as Corey Fryia joins the show to help us break down series and get us ready for the trade paperback where you can get all of the current run at once. “Where can I grab this?” might ask. How about at the Dr. Crowe Kickstarter page or preorder at your local comic shop right now.

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It’s always nice to be wanted. Even if the people wanting you are evil scientists. OK, maybe that’s not the best situation to be in but sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Listen in as writer Max Majernik and Band of Bards cofounder Chris Benamati join to show to give us an inside look at their current Kickstarter comic Prospects.

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I’m just going to let the comic pitch speak for itself here, because I can’t do any better: What if Conan the Barbarian was forced to reclass as a wizard? And if that doesn’t hook you then I have no idea what will.

You know who might though? Les Julian. Which is a good thing since he literally wrote the book. What book is that you might ask? Savage Wizard, which you can get on Kickstarter right now. And you should. So get on that.

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How did I think I was the only one who didn’t read Gilgamesh in school? Somehow I thought I was the only one who missed it. But it turns out that even someone who is making a Gilgamesh comic didn’t have to read it in school. Now that’s just out there.

Good thing we have Cam Kerkau and Kostas Pantoulas here to talk about their Kickstarter comic Gilgamesh Eternal because I need a crash course in the subject.Continue Reading

The best thing about public domain IP is that you can do whatever you want with it. Like, oh I don’t know, taking the Wizard of Oz and making it a war story. After all, you did kind of have Dorothy coming in and killing people. That’s not exactly a nice move.

If only I knew someone who has done exactly that….. How about David Pepose? Yeah that would be good. So it’s a good thing that who you get to listen to in this episode.

And just a warning, we recorded this episode before the Kickstarter campaign for The OZ went public. And it kind of exploded a little bit. In a good way.

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First impressions are a powerful thing, especially on the internet since we’re constantly blasted with so much information that it’s really easy to see a thing flash before our eyes and never see it again.

That’s why when I saw that Band of Bards was a new comic publisher with a focus on diversity I knew I had to hurry up and ask them to be on the show before I had a brain fart and forgot. Thankfully, Tim Stolinski was able to come on and let us know a bit about the company and their current Kickstarter campaign for Final Gamble.

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Kickstarter is the bane of my existence because so many cool things are rolling through there. It’s a good problem to have I guess.

But Chris Mancini and Fernando Pinto, those two are enablers. Why do they have to be making such a cool sounding comic? Why do they have to be good people on top of that? Why do they make it so easy for me to give them my money?

This Episode is brought to you in part by White Cat Entertainment, both because they created this comic and because they’re just a cool company anyway.Continue Reading

The world just can’t get enough zombies. They’re everywhere. So let’s throw in dating at the same time. Let’s be real here, I’m not sure which is scarier.

Good thing we have Steve Urena here to help sort this stuff out. Listen in as we talk about his newest Kickstarter comic Zombie Date Night, which as of the publishing of this episode is fully funded and has just under 2 weeks left in the campaign for you to get in on the fun.

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The best thing about supporting a cool story on Kickstarter is getting to go along for the ride over the course of the story’s lifetime. And that’s what we’re doing here in the first time we’re taking a second look at a Kickstarter storyline.

Tommy Jauregui comes by the show again to talk about the second chapter of his Endless Moons story. And hopefully convinces some of you to back the Endless Moons Kickstarter campaign.

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More than anything else right now, I want to make sure that everyone one of you is doing alright in every way possible. We’re going through a lot of shit and while taking care of your mental health is really important we as a society aren’t in a place yet where it’s always something that can be talked about openly. That needs to change.

This is one reason why I’m so excited to talk to Justin Richards about his Kickstarter project A Silent Night. Dealing with depression and anxiety is something that you definitely don’t have to do alone. I’m not saying that backing this Kickstarter project will help, but it will get the conversation out into the world in a more public way and I have to see that as a good thing. Plus Justin is just A grade good people. Can’t really go wrong there.Continue Reading

Chris once again gets sucked in by a creator going out into the world and pushing their stuff. This time it’s the tale of a young bounty hunter and her side quest to find herself. Hurry up and get in on the story by backing Endless Moons on Kickstarter.

Listen in as Tommy Jauregui gives us an insight into Endless Moons, how it came to be, and how you can get yourself a copy of this great story.Continue Reading

We’ve already been introduced to the Dark Tunnel from Chris Dreier in the Freaks & Gods comics, but what if I told you that there’s more? And that you could get in on the fun now with just a simple pile of Kickstarter money?

It’s true. Chris has a Kickstarter for Tales from the Dark Tunnel that you really need to check out and throw money at because, like I’ll say many times in the episode, it’s pretty good and the Freaks & Gods comics that kind of go with it are pretty good and Chris is just a cool dude.Continue Reading

We all had toys growing up, and made up stories to go along with them. How do characters from different universes react to each other? Who could conceivably fit in with another toy universe without missing a beat? But most of all, what would happen if you were in that toy universe with them?

This episode we have the Chris Walk half of the minds behind Pursuit of Plastic, a Kickstarter project making a comic that explains exactly that. We also talk about the comic imprint DFAT comics that he and Casey Bowker run to publish their creations.Continue Reading

Giant monsters are everywhere these days. Godzilla movies, Godzilla movie rip offs, you name it. But we also follow either the monsters or the big bad heroes in those stories. What happens with the everyday people like you and me?

Johnny Craft attempts to throw some answers into the mix with his comic Life Under Kaiju. Come listen as we talk about how this comic came to be and his plans for the future of the series.Continue Reading

Murder. Espionage. Revenge. The domination of an entire industry. Did I mention this is all over soda brands? Yeah I’m definitely in for the ride on this one and you should be too.

Listen in as Jimmy Palmiotti comes to talk about his new Kickstarter for Pop Kill #2, what it’s like writing for games vs comics, and a few other random things that you’ll just have to listen to the episode to find out.

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Luke Herr from  Exiled, Multiversal Q, and RPG Pals Club comes by the show to talk about his comic Super Slasher. Luke is great and I really love everything I’ve seen from him and I don’t expect Super Slasher to be any different.

If Super Slasher sounds like something you want to get your hands on then go visit the Super Slasher Kickstarter and give him your money. I already did so you can’t pressure me with the same tactics. 

You can find Luke over on Exiled, Multiversal Q, and RPG Pals Club. Or catch him on Twitter @koltreg.Continue Reading

Spencer Scott Holmes from Old Man Orange comes by the show to talk about his comic Pizza Boyz. Hear about the inspiration behind it and a bit about his process. And if I hadn’t been an idiot you could have heard it before the Kickstarter campaign was over. That one’s totally my fault.

Good news though, there’s always Pizza Boyz on Comixology so you can still read it if it’s something that you’d be into. And since you’re listening to this podcast I’m pretty sure it’s something you’d be into. Continue Reading

If awesome comics are your thing then I’ve got a treat for you. An ex-cop trying to figure out what happened to her partner. Mysterious happenings. Secret organizations. The struggle to find what’s just and right in this crazy world. If any of this catches your eye then listen up, head over to the preview of Butcher Queen to see how cool it is, and back the Butcher Queen Kickstarter Project to make sure that you get a copy of the whole story for yourself.Continue Reading

Do you like games? I’d hope so because that’s what half of this show is about. But if you’re into real world games as well then have I got something for you! Introducing Composition, a card game from Matthew Hocker from Coo Games (on Twitter @CooGamesMatt or Facebook as Coo Games Official) where you take control of a maestro and draft letter cards to form words to earn roses and earn victory points or get super powerful cards to set yourself up for victory later.Continue Reading