What is it that makes a comic connect with an audience? Is it the writing? The art? The characters? Nope, but also yes….? It’s the passion behind it. And that passion certainly comes across in everything else but you can have the best writer and artist in the world using the most popular characters and have things fall flat if they’re just going through the motions.

Today we’re talking about Ravage with Eli Powell. He certainly has the passion for this story and I’m really excited to get my hands on a physical copy of this one. Be sure to check out the Ravage Kickstarter Campaign so you can get your hands on one as well.

And a big thanks to Mike over at Invader Comics for helping to set this one up.Continue Reading

Comics can come from some weird places. Which most of the time is a shot at the writer or artist and the fact that they’re a weirdo. But sometimes is just a basic factual statement. You know, like when a nation makes a comic about a war they had no part in just because.

But who would ever do a thing like that? Not Insane Ian, but he did stop by the show to talk about North and South which does exactly that. Except under the name Les Tuniques Bleues if you’re reading it in the original French but known as The Bluecoats when translated into English.Continue Reading

In the cold dark reaches of space nobody can hear you scream. Or something like that. Look, I’ve never been to space so I can’t know for sure. But I know that if I went to space I’d be lonely without my Kayleigh and that would suck so I’m not sure if I want to even think about that.

But Elyse Russell on the other hand, all about mixing up sci fi and romance in ways that I wouldn’t be able to pull off. Which is great because she’s helping to put together Amongst the Stars so I can read it and let her do all the work to put it together.Continue Reading

Pocus is still in Hell. He’s got Emily. He’s got Horrus. He’s got problems. And what can he do about it?

I have no idea, and to be perfectly honest I’m not sure that Allen Dunford does either. But it’s his job (along with Will Radford who sadly couldn’t be in this episode) to make the story happen. Which is good because they’re a lot better at it than I would be.Continue Reading

One of the best things about comics, especially lately, is the amount of creator diversity we’ve been able to get. So it warms my heart when we can get a collection bringing together a bunch of creators that don’t normally have a chance to get together for this specific reason. And what is that reason?

Well, we’re taking a look at Sensory: Life on the Spectrum with Bex Ollerton to take a look at her book giving creators with Autism a space to share their experiences. And I use her in the loosest sense of the word because a lot of people helped out in making this happen.Continue Reading

Sometimes things get missed. Like not realizing that a game is based on a comic. Or missing an NES game because you didn’t realize that a game was based on a comic. I know it’s a shock that I could miss something. Or an entire country can miss out on a wonderful franchise that you’d think would be a great fit if only people would know it existed and could give it a chance.

Good thing I have Doc Issues here from Capes on the Couch to help fix that mistake as we take a look at M.U.S.C.L.E. and the Kinnikuman manga that really should have been a hit over here but for some reason wasn’t because “Americans won’t get it” or something silly like that.Continue Reading

Sometimes we have to revisit some things. A blast from the past if you will. There can be so many reasons for this. Maybe there’s unfinished business. Maybe it’s just a fun trip down memory lane. Or maybe there’s something more sinister going on than you even want to think about.

Or it could just be because we previously looked at a title as a Kickstarter book and now we’re looking at it again when it’s with a publisher. So Tyler Ruff might not have any thing sinister up his sleeves in this relook at The Atonement Bell (previously heard about with Jim Ousley on Ep B57). But we can’t really know that without listening to this telling of the tale now, can we?Continue Reading

Yu-Gi-Oh is something I never really got into growing up. Or now for that matter since I’ve gotten into some things now that I should have gotten into when I was younger. Although I was kind of around it since I was into Pokemon and Magic: the Gathering so it’s not a totally 100% new thing to me. Plus the memes.

Good thing I somehow convinced Luke Herr to come back for another session of “Luke Explains Things To Chris that Chris Should Already Know About.” This time he takes on Yu-Gi-Oh and a combo shot of games in Forbidden Memories and Dark Duel Stories. Will we be trapped in the shadow realm for attempting this? Only one way to find out!Continue Reading

Hot take here: comics are pretty fun. And one of those fun things is getting new stuff to check out. There’s just something about the teamwork and the combination of words and art and the way they work together that just hits me in all the right ways. I love it. The creators love it. That’s why I end up getting a lot of creators on this show.

But there’s the publishing side of things too. So who better to have come on the show than Patrick Hickey Jr to give us an insight into the publishing side of the comics world? And to give us a peek at what Legacy Comix has coming out for their fall slate of releases? Seriously, look at these!Continue Reading

Alright no jokes with this one at all. I was looking through Previews one month and there’s this cover just staring at me. Barbaric. Such a simple name. Such an enticing cover. What’s not to love? You know, unless you hate cool looking comics and/or getting in at the start of the story of something like this.

Enter Michael Moreci, writer of Barbaric, coming to talk about his wonderful series. Especially this second arc, Axe to Grind. I’ll be perfectly honest with you about this one in saying that I can’t over sell it because this thing is soooooooooooooooo good. The comic, not this episode. I don’t deserve as many O’s as the comic does. While you’re checking things out, head over to the Wasted Space Kickstarter campaign as well.Continue Reading

Digging back into the NES days with this one because I somehow missed it. Which in a weird way makes sense because I don’t think anybody that I knew back in the day would have known that Destiny of an Emperor was based on a manga. Or even what a manga was for that matter, but that’s a different issue.

Good thing we have Joey DiCarlo from So Wizard here to help take a look at this early NES RPG. Because we’re both old and can appreciate this one for what it is without wondering why it doesn’t have the sensibilities of a PS4 game.Continue Reading

Aren’t grandma’s cool? At least stereotypically they take care of you and make you cookies and I’ve even heard some parents will legit get mad that grandma’s aren’t spoiling those grandkids.

And now forget about all of that because Allen Dunford and Will Radford and here to destroy all of those happy memories. Listen in as we take a look at their latest comic adventure, Grandma Chainsaw, and the Kickstarter campaign that can bring this wonderful conversation piece into your home.Continue Reading

The Covid Times sure have brought us some interesting stories. But a lot of them that I’ve seen are focused on the transition to before to during. What happens in the way WAAAAAY after?

That’s where Dennis Hopeless comes enters the chat. Listen in as we take a look at his beautifully put together book Heart Eyes.Continue Reading

You ever sit around noticing people’s bags and wonder what’s inside them? Turn your head to take a look even? Maybe even push them open a bit with your foot.

Of course not, me either. But I certainly haven’t seen anything too weird while I wasn’t looking in there. Definitely not a human head collection. Who would even think of a thing like that? Lesly Julien would. And he’d tell you about it too, like maybe in a comic called Head Cases where you get to see the heads as well.Continue Reading

You’ve got a giant sprawling set of lore with the X-Men. You’ve got a huge villain, in multiple ways, in Apocalypse. You’ve got the last regular episode of Play Comics for a while because I don’t know how to plan things, which is huge news. 

And of course you’ve got all of it on a Gameboy Advance screen. Listen in as Jessika and Mike  from Ten Cent Takes come on the show to help us take a look at this bite size taste of the mutant experience.Continue Reading

It’s the end of the world and there’s nothing better to do than to read some comics about the end of the world in many different interpretations of the phrase. Somehow it’s exactly what I need right now.

Listen in as Gary Proudley comes to talk about the editing side and writing side of putting the anthology Producing the End of the World together, and lightly threatens me with Australian wildlife.Continue Reading

The future is scary. It seems it’s always been scary. Remember when we would see dates like 20XX and know it was a stand in for some far off time when the world would be a totally different place? Yep those days are long gone. Heck it’s the year 20XX right now!

Enter Josh Adams, artist behind the Godfoe Universe series soon to be published by legacy Comix. Listen in as we take a look behind the scenes of this new comic universe that should have you pretty excited. Or scared out of your mind. Definitely one of those two.

Continue Reading

Batman is one of the most well know superheroes around despite the fact that he’s not really a superhero when you break the term down. Don’t care, still love him. And that little used fact in games where he’s a pretty good detective.

Good thing we have Matt and Thad from Making Nerds Cringe here to help unravel the mystery of Batman Vengeance. Listen in as we take a look at this Batman the Animated Series (?) inspired game and all the fun that goes with it.Continue Reading