Sidequest with Grant Stoye
I’ve decided that I just really like fantasy stories. I’ve decided that a lot in the past, and I’m deciding it again right now. There’s just something about a writer being able to ignore all of what’s actually possible in this world and yet still having to make something that’s internally consistent with the story that they want to tell. Something about an artist being able to make characters that just couldn’t happen here in anyway, be it through crazy anatomy that just doesn’t play nicely with Earthly physics or the fact that if an alligator was really on a team with a rabbit one of them would get eaten pretty quickly and we all know which one that would be.
Let’s scratch just about all of those itches at once with an episode where I talk to Grant Stoye about his Kickstarter series, and also upcoming Scout Comics book Sidequest! Listen in as we get to some of the hows and whys behind this wonderful story and try to figure out how Chris didn’t know about it sooner.Continue Reading