You’ve got lots of manga titles. You’ve got lots of anime titles. And it always seems to be a manga coming first, then the anime coming after that. But why?

Listen in as Justin Williams from Super Tangent tries to discuss this with Chris. But tangents happen so there’s other stuff as well.Continue Reading

One of the things I like about comics is that there is such a history to everything. And inevitably that leads to someone hating certain iterations of a character, or with the “real life” identity of the character.

Good thing Dan McMahon from DC SuperSons has some feelings on the matter. Listen in as we discuss why Hal Jordan sucks.Continue Reading

You know who knows about wrestling? Not Chris. Like at all. Except that it’s had some video games of various quality levels put out about it. But you know who does know a lot? Charlie Davis from The Young Ones

In our second Patreon First bonus episode I’m talking to Charlie about wrestling and why I should like it and why all the comics people I follow on Twitter like it.Continue Reading

Welcome to the first, and free preview, of a Patreon first bonus yet unnamed series where I talk to people about things that are tangentially related to the show.

Like this one, where Luke Herr from Multiversal Q and RPG Pal’s Club (as well as the recently ended Exiled) comes to tell us who The Eternals are.Continue Reading