Brace yourselves comic connoisseurs and gaming geeks for an episode that will have you questioning reality itself! In this multiversal misadventure we delve into the depths of X-Men Next Dimension, a game that dared to challenge the boundaries of the comic book universe.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got a special guest star joining us on this cosmic crusade – the one and only Lex W from the Wednesday Toast podcast! Prepare to be dazzled by his wit, charm, and encyclopedic knowledge of all things mutant-related.

As we navigate through the Operation Zero Tolerance storyline, we’ll uncover the secrets behind this dimension-hopping extravaganza. From mind-bending plot twists to jaw-dropping gameplay mechanics, no stone will be left unturned in our quest for truth, justice, and the ultimate gaming experience.

So grab your controllers, strap on your adamantium seatbelts, and get ready for a wild ride through the annals of X-Men history. This episode is sure to leave you questioning your own reality – or at least wondering why you didn’t invest in a Cerebro helmet sooner.

Excelsior, true believers! The adventure awaits!Continue Reading