I’m not going to dance around it. This is a story that needs to be told right now. In so many ways the world is going to shit. And sadly part of that seems to be comic characters being twisted in the minds of people in ways that fit the exact opposite of what the character actually represents.

I can’t think of anyone better to have written this story and to talk about it than Jay Edidin. Listen in as we talk about the wild ride that the Captain America story from Marvel’s new Marvel Unlimited exclusive Infinity Comics line took to come into existence.

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All my life I’ve heard only 2 opinions of Scott Summers/Cyclops. Either people loved or hated him. Now thanks to this comic from the minds and talent of Jay Edidin (in his comic writing debut no less), Tom Reilly, Chris O’Halloran, and Tom Orzechowski I think I have no choice but to decide which camp I belong in.Continue Reading